I know, I know, there will be some of you back there reading this and thinking 'Oh she likes books she must be a nerd.' and my reply? So what. If it makes me a nerd I don't care, reading takes me to a new world and I'd do it five thousand times in a day if I could - but I can't. Don't be ashamed of reading. Those who read are more likely to be smarter, it helps broaden your vocabulary, improves your spelling and if you read parts out loud it helps with articulation and all together with your speech. What does all this help with though? Let's put it into a situation. All of these hypothetical situation seem to stereotype into a generic interview and sorry, but I'm jumping onto that stereotypical train. Put yourself into the position of an interviewer. You had a position open for a job and you've narrowed down to applicants to two separate people. They have the exact same levels of education and are equally as smart and prepared for the job. You then decide to look at the actual interview. Who would you go for? The person using extensive words and having an appropriate manner with the pronunciation of each word correct and no slang or shortening down, or the person who uses a basic vocabulary and can't even pronounce half of the words they try to use but fail as it's in an incorrect context?
So after that lecture, let me move you on to the actual reason we are here today, my top five books. I will try not to be too much of a stereotype with my books but dammit, I just can't help it sometimes.
5) Looking For Alaska
Let's start this list of with a smidgen of John Green, I had to include him in there somewhere. Looking for Alaska is a beautiful story that at times makes me want to cry, with chapter names that are countdowns it doesn't help when you say a 'one more chapter' mumble to yourself at night, because that soon becomes two or three chapters and soon enough you accidentally read the whole book in one night. With the general John Green heart wrenching writing splattered all over the book, you find yourself quoting it more often than not. It makes you take a minute to really pause and think, plus with an emotional rollercoaster- it's always a great choice.
4) Pretty Little Liars
ASDFGHJKL you don't even understand my love for this book series- which by the way is a lot. I've currently got them on hold at book 5 because I need to finish the Mortal Instruments and The Divinci Code (anyone else read more than one book at once or just me?) BUT these books are just so gripping you can't help but turn page after page until suddenly it's the end of the book and you've wasted (but not really wasted, more like well spent) your entire afternoon, yet you're still reaching out and grabbing the next one in the series. If you're watching the TV show do not fear because the storyline is different and won't give too many spoilers away.
3) Vampire Diaries
Okay so I may or may not have all the books in this series and this may or may not extend over more than ten books. Like I said this only may be true, it also may be not. The only thing with that many books is the storyline drags on a bit, it all gets a bit weird and odd like I think Satan come sinto at one point in the later books. Despite this, the early books in the series are amazing- they do have some old fashioned words in though, that might not be quite your taste but it doesn't ruin the book too much. Like I said though, it all gets weird and as if the writer started doing it just for the money and tried to drag it on as much as possible (Kinda like when you chew your gum for too long and it loses all flavour and texture and starts to ache you're jaw a bit, but in a book) All in all it's a fantastic series of books but you don't have to stay too dedicated to them. P.S. it's nothing like the TV version which means there isn't 1000 Elenas and 2000 Stefans (I personally found all the dopplegangers very confusing)
2) The Morganville Vampires
I have no words. Literally. Well that's a lie, I have about a thousand opinions buzzing around my brain about this fabulous book series right now but none are sticking. How do i put this... basically if you're into Harry Potter or The Mortal Instruments or anything that's as nerdy as those books then you will fall in love with these much like many other people have. No, the vampires do not sparkle and yes they do actually have human blood because they aren't freaking pansies so no need to worry about that. The two main guys are extremely attractive and one has a slight dickish personality that we overcome and label as cheeky charm and quick wit. He's also a bit of a man slut but it is hotter than hot so it's all good. Just go read it. I dare you to.
1) The Mortal Instruments
LIFE IN A BOOK. My four words that explain this book, four very true words as well. It has everything you need with a cutie gay relationship, a badass team and a confusing relationship that never really becomes straight forward.

My love for it is very deep and I'm still secretly hoping that I can become a shadow hunter, and no nobody can change my mind about that. I don't even know what to say because something this great is just indescribable.
(A secret added extra) Harry Potter
HARRY POTTER EVERYBODY. Honestly, I wish I could go back and reread the series for the first time as if I hadn't read them before because the magic created within Harry Potter is one that every kid should experience. JK Rowling is a God who has managed to create a whole entire world?????? Writing goals af. Add don't watch the movies to pretend you've read the books, you're only fooling yourself.
So I hope you enjoyed this and make sure to comment your top five books and don't forget to like the post x
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